Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Losing my head over dancing

I found this VERY hard to post, as I HATE getting my picture taken and a close up no less. Oh, well...learning over vanity. The dancing couple and the picture of me are the originals. The goal was to take my head and put in on the girl dancer without it looking like it has been altered. This proved to be a lot harder than the scarecrow picture in the book. After some trial and error and mostly some great help from a class mate...I am ready to dance with the stars.

I had my daughter take my picture, she finally was able to stop laughing long enough to click the camera. Teenagers...everything is hilarious or horrible :). After getting my pic into PS I tried using the magic wand, but part of my face was being included...some of this was fixed by taking a second picture with a different color background. Finally, it worked best to use the magnetic lasso to rope in the features I wanted to post into the other photo. I used the same technique to take out that "other woman's" head. I then moved my head over and then I couldn't stop laughing. My head went from where her head started and went to her waist. I adjusted the size using the free transform option. Once I had my head the right size I adjusted the brightness and contrast (with brightness/contrast tool) of my face skin to match her body skin, I also had changed my head to gray scale when moving it off my body. I then learned about the clone tool...LOVE IT! Between the clone tool and the eraser I was able to blend the areas where her features had been and mine where not. It also helped to remove parts of me I didn't need, while that layer was still there. I mention this because once I had everything positioned and erased that I wanted, I resaved the pic and then flattened it. This allowed me to clone easier. I think the final results turned out good, but it is still weird...I wish I had those legs. Now, I guess I can have them in my dreams and my Photoshop.

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