Sunday, March 1, 2009

More of the Lions Share

This first image is one I painted just filling in the area with paint can tool. One bit of detail I would do differently would be to not use red as an outline color and save it for the background. Using the bright colors for Zac made him stand out and then adding the contrasting red made him POP!

The above image a used the pattern fill "Hard light" This worked well with the splotchness of the texture, continuing the basic and the seemingly sloppy design.

On this one, after painting it I used the "difference". I think this gave it a softer feel...almost touchable. It reminds me of a quilt piece.

This image above would be the one I would use for posters for a Big Zac Cat event. The pattern I chose, has a grass mat look. This matches textures I associate from the area I would also find the cats living in. The grass fits two ways by also being where cats like to hide and hang out.

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