Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Original Pre-Filtered Photo

Here is the original photo taken for this assignment. The sun always shines on my house!


When I first sat down to do this I really was having a hard time thinking about how I wanted to changed the picture. I decided on these three affects: Simulate the surface of the sun, soften the image and make a stained glass mosaic. This first one used the liquify filter. As the suns surface is liquid, I wanted to have my sun have that same look. I used a larger brush size to get rid of the lines on the house and then used the smaller one to liquify the sun. I had to be careful not to do this too much around the face area. I did try to get rid of some of the deep cracks in the face, some turned out good and others just seem to move it around.

Filters and more filters

This one I used the sprayed brush strokes. I wanted to soften the edges and the cracks that had formed on the sun's face. The other affect I was hoping for was to make it look like graffiti art. Just as I had sprayed on the foam, what if I had created it with spray paint. The details would have to be limited, yet still identifiable. I like how this turned out and with some work with the magic lasso to get the sun only, it would be fun to work on as a picture.

Filters, filters and more filters

This one, I used the stained glass filter. Since this was a creation of my own, I wondered how it would look as a piece of stained glass. I thought that the shape of the sun and the different colors within the sun would give nice color combinations. I think with using layers, I could separate out the face to have it have the smaller pieces of stained glass to be able to keep more of the details of the face. After all was said and done, I think this would make a pretty tile mosaic for a table top.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

More of the Lions Share

This first image is one I painted just filling in the area with paint can tool. One bit of detail I would do differently would be to not use red as an outline color and save it for the background. Using the bright colors for Zac made him stand out and then adding the contrasting red made him POP!

The above image a used the pattern fill "Hard light" This worked well with the splotchness of the texture, continuing the basic and the seemingly sloppy design.

On this one, after painting it I used the "difference". I think this gave it a softer feel...almost touchable. It reminds me of a quilt piece.

This image above would be the one I would use for posters for a Big Zac Cat event. The pattern I chose, has a grass mat look. This matches textures I associate from the area I would also find the cats living in. The grass fits two ways by also being where cats like to hide and hang out.

The Cats Meow

Just for the fun of it!

I had fun playing with the paint brush feature and added four basic colors to the outline, using a large brush size (200).

Then using the brush palette, I select 112 witch reminded me of blades of grass...something a big cat would like to hide in. I then moved around the picture using different color than I had been using. I liked this one for the fun and bright colors.